Friday, October 06, 2006

Keeping Up with Google's Changes

With Google having such a leading position in the search engine world and so many webmasters looking to Google for traffic, you might guess that there's a lot of discussion about Google in various places around the Web. And you'd be right! My favorite place for Google news and gossip is Webmaster World ( It's not often that the terms "civilized" and "online forums" go together, but they do in this case. Discourse on this site is friendly, informative, and generally flame-free. I have learned a lot from this site.

There are also a few blogs devoted to Google and searching in general:

  • Google Blog ( is the official Google blog and features announcements, pointers, and behind-the-scenes commentary from the Googleplex.

  • Googler Matt Cutts maintains a blog called Gadgets, Google, and SEO ( While he doesn't always speak on behalf of Google, he provides insights into Google you won't find anywhere else. Matt discusses sites that have been recently banned for rule violations, new Google features relevant to search engine tuners, and tips for webmasters who want to play nice with Google.

  • John Battelle's Searchblog ( covers every conceivable kind of search.

  • Google Webmaster Help Center ( should be your first stop to look up official Google policies, find frequently asked questions, and read the latest about Google Sitemaps.

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